
September 05, 2024 | Posted in:

Clues You Are About to Be Scammed

Scammers often use the IRS as a threat to trick you. Each year, the IRS releases a list of common scams, and knowing their traits can help you avoid becoming a victim. Here are some warning signs:

• Personal Information Requests: Scammers will ask for personal details like your Social Security number, age, address, and birth date.

• ID Theft: Scammers may ask for your passport or driver’s license under the guise of unclaimed refunds.

• Threatening Language: Claims of arrest, bank account levies, or police visits are intimidation tactics. The IRS does not operate this way.

• Odd Wording: Notices with mixed fonts, improper margins or grammar, or odd phrasing are red flags.

• Payment Demands: The IRS never demands payment over the phone or email. Payments are always made to the U.S. Treasury.

Stay vigilant. If in doubt, visit and consult your tax professional to verify any claims.


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