Firm News

June 02, 2020

Manager Chris Cicalese featured in May/June Issue of NJCPA

Manager, Chris Cicalese, CPA, MSTFP, contributed to the 2020 May/June issue of NJCPA with his article, “Handling Competition: Is it Time to be Innovative?”  Chris discusses the value of building relationships, implementing technology, and focusing on differentiation in your firm.

Let’s get straight to the point. Despite what popular TV commercials may say these days, all people aren’t tax people. In addition, they might not be a CPA, an auditor or even a bookkeeper. The world of accounting continues to grow with “experts” trying to supplement their income by equipping themselves with soft­ware purchased at the local store or online. Thanks to new technology, even geography is no longer a barrier. The accountant locat­ed a state over is just as competitive in the market as the accountant down the street.

An accountant’s competition is no longer found just within the accounting industry as it could start appearing from Silicon Valley or even overseas. Looking at the types of technology firms use and the high costs of recruiting and retaining employees, it is easy to see the writing on the wall. Technology and automation will begin replacing accountants’ jobs if they haven’t already. At the same time, some firms outsource work to foreign countries. This puts more and more pressure on the modern accountant to adapt to today’s world so they can remain competitive. Continue Reading →


Follow Chris on Twitter at @AthleteCPA. Follow NJCPA on Twitter at @NJCPA for more information regarding New Jersey news for certified public accountants. Click here to continue reading the full article →

Read the 2020 May/June issue of NJCPA, Click Here.