
February 03, 2025 | Posted in:

4 Common-Sense Tips to Minimize Stress this Tax Season [VIDEO]

Tax season is upon us, and we all know it can feel a bit overwhelming. To calm that stressful feeling, following are some common sense tips to help you prepare your tax return with ease and confidence.

Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned pro, these practical insights will help you stay organized, maximize your deductions, and avoid any last-minute stress.

Get Organized.

Keep a large envelope wherever you open your mail and immediately place all documents labeled “Important tax information enclosed” in the envelope. Keep this envelope handy during the year as well to collect receipts and canceled checks.

Download Our Tax Document Checklist →


Don’t Procrastinate.

Prepare your tax returns as early as possible whether you owe money or expect a refund. If you are getting a refund, send them in immediately. If you owe money, wait until the filing deadline to mail them. This is no different than exercising, dieting, going to the dentist, or quitting smoking. The earlier your tax returns are prepared, the better you will feel.

Plan Ahead.

You should have a good idea if you are receiving a refund or paying taxes well before April 15. Review your prior year tax returns and look at the result.

Seek Help.

If you are not sure how to prepare your tax returns, seek the help of a professional. The Internal Revenue Code is voluminous, and many of the laws are complicated so don’t hesitate to reach out to someone who can assist you.

How Can Best I Prepare For Tax Season?

common sense tax season tips

Alloy Silverstein is here by your side through tax season and beyond.  To learn more about our tax preparation services for South Jersey individuals and businesses, or to meet our tax experts, explore our Tax Services page.

Ready to partner with a new CPA this year? Contact us →

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Anne provides personalized tax and accounting services to a wide variety of clients including law firms, medical practices, engineering firms, retail businesses, and other service industries.
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