Don’t Go Broke in Retirement
Will you be able to live the life you want after you quit working? Running out of money in retirement was the top financial concern among financial planning clients, according to a survey of CPA…
Read More...Alloy Silverstein’s articles and insights are updated weekly. Stay tuned for the latest tips and news on managing your business, the latest tax law, preventing fraud, preparing your taxes, and more.
Will you be able to live the life you want after you quit working? Running out of money in retirement was the top financial concern among financial planning clients, according to a survey of CPA…
Read More...Alloy Silverstein’s Tax Tip of the Week Can you deduct interest expenses on your 2016 tax return? It depends. Generally, the tax law requires you to allocate interest payments under a complex set of…
Read More...Alloy Silverstein’s Tax Tip of the Week No one enjoys picking up the pieces after a natural disaster or when some other calamity destroys personal property like a home or car. But at least…
Read More...Alloy Silverstein’s Tax Tip of the Week When you itemize your deductions, you can deduct either state and local income taxes or general state and local sales taxes on your 2016 tax return. But…
Read More...With a new President always comes a wave of uncertainty What’s proposed? What’s hearsay? What should you do no matter what? Change is in the air in Washington, and many taxpayers are eager to…
Read More...Be proactive in bolstering your company’s cyber security. Workers routinely and unintentionally put their employers at risk by engaging in sloppy computer security practices. In one recent study, a research team placed 200 USB…
Read More...Taxes are complex and mistakes are human nature. However, some mistakes or late filings when it comes to your tax return can add up pretty quickly with interest and penalties. According to…
Read More...With the rise in online commerce opportunities along with the current gig economy, the line between hobby and business is more blurred than ever. Find out what the IRS looks for in determining whether…