
Archive for the ‘Business Management’ Category

March 16, 2018

4 Components of a Credit Policy

Designing your business’s credit policy Business clients often prefer to be billed for purchases rather than paying upfront. That means you may need to establish receivable accounts for most business-to-business transactions. Unfortunately, it also means…


March 12, 2018

Does Your Small Business Need Cyber Insurance?

It’s a nightmare scenario few small businesses consider: hackers breach your computer system, steal your customer lists and threaten to exploit sensitive data. Data breaches by malicious individuals don’t just pose a financial risk. They…


December 04, 2017

When Friendships Turn into Business Partnerships

Survey small business entrepreneurs and you’re sure to discover relationships that soured when long-time friends became business partners. Fortunately, the story doesn’t always end on a tragic note.   Benefits of going into business with…