July 06, 2020
Typically we use this corner to introduce one of our team members, but nothing about right now is typical. Bedrooms have turned into offices, kitchen tables have become student desks and pets are more than companions—they’re office mates.
So much has changed for everyone, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the absolute dedication, fortitude, and determination of our team.
So this quarter, the spotlight is on the entire Alloy Silverstein workforce.
Keeping up with the furious pace of economic stimulus programs and new tax laws has been daunting, but we’ve been motivated by Managing Shareholder Ren Cicalese’s rallying cry, “if we know the answer, you’ll know the answer.” Communication has been a constant and our CPAs have been working around the clock to provide advice to individuals needing help. We know what’s at stake for so many business owners.
As Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” To that point, we are striving to make it as comfortable as possible for our clients to make hard decisions—about their loved ones, their livelihoods, and their futures.
Associate Partner Kelly Raso explains. “I worry about some of my smaller clients who have invested countless hours and dollars into their business. They are pouring their hearts out to me because they have no one else to turn to. I’m glad that we can be a sounding board and help them get through this.”
Through emails and in late-night conversations with clients, Alloy Silverstein staff are echoing Kelly’s sentiments. “It’s confusing. You can talk to me anytime. If you need to vent, I’m here for you.”
We are proud to have directly helped more than 140 small businesses secure a total of $35 million in COVID-19 relief loans and grants, supporting the jobs of thousands of workers. We were able to assist clients, future clients, friends, family members, and non-profits across the country including New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Connecticut, Ohio, Texas, Tennessee, Alabama, Illinois, South Dakota, Colorado, Hawaii and more.
Following Hurricane Sandy, Alloy Silverstein operationalized a plan so the staff can work remotely without skipping a beat. That and our continuous interest in advanced technology meant we were ready for a new normal and to help clients and friends at a moment’s notice.